Updates & Jnr Draw 17/05
Junior Skills training
Skills training is on again this season! Training runs from 4pm to 5pm on a Wednesday and is suitable for all new and intermediate players aged 8 to 18 years..
Representative Coordinator
We are looking for someone to become the rep coordinator for the 2019-2020 season. If you are interested in volunteering for this position, email the secretary for more information or an application form can be found on the website here.
Junior registrations: Unregistered players have been taken off the team lists. If you wish to play this season, register online today, or see the front counter on Friday.
Junior Team Lists
All Junior team lists can be found on the website here... www.bundybasketball.com.au/junior-team-lists
Friday Referee Draw

TO ALL PLAYERS, PARENTS, COACHES. With respect to the representative teams and our Friday night junior program, please take note of the following excerpt taken from Basketball Queensland’s “Guidelines for Representative Players”: 1. ELIGIBILITY 1.1 Players: · Must be current financial members of BQ 1.2 Team Nominations: · Nominations will only be accepted from Affiliated Associations, who are financial with BQ at the time of nomination. · Players nominated: A. Must be registered at the Affiliated Association they are representing (except where approval has been granted as detailed in the next point). B. Should an Affiliated Association not nominate a team in the Championship, an application for players to play with another Affiliated Association must be made to BQ from the Association in which these players will be playing. Applications for players to play outside their Affiliated Association must be lodged with BQ at least seven (7) days prior to the nominated closing date for nominations and accompanied by the completion of a temporary transfer for State Championship form. Excerpt taken from BBI Parents/Players Rep Handbook (which is to be signed & returned to BBI): Player Eligibility Policy
All players must be registered and financial with Bundaberg Basketball before participating in any representative programs or carnivals (i.e. Trial fees, Friday night Junior BBI fees, BQ registration fees all MUST be up to date and paid in full)
It is a prerequisite to compete in the Bundaberg Junior Competition to be eligible for the Junior Representative Program.
Excerpt taken from BBI Junior Competition Rules which is available on the website: BUNDABERG BASKETBALL JUNIOR COMPETITION RULES VERSION 2.1 (APRIL 2015) FIBA and Basketball Queensland Rules shall apply, unless otherwise provided in these rules 1. REGISTRATION AND ELIGIBILITY 1.1 All players must be registered and financial members of Basketball Qld and Bundaberg Basketball Inc. Teams will receive no competition points for playing unregistered/unfinancial players after week 3 of the season and the offending team will forfeit all games played previously with unregistered players. 1.2 All players must register and pay online prior to the commencement of the season to enable team selection and grading to take place. 1.3 Players will be placed into Divisions by the Junior Coaching Director with input from other coaches. Players can elect to play an additional game in the Division higher than graded, if there is sufficient space in the teams. 1.4 All Representative players who have been selected in a Representative team (Summer season) will have the opportunity to play in a higher Division as a team if the coach desires. However, the team must commit to playing ALL games in the season. 1.9 New players will be required to register and pay prior to playing in a team. They will be placed in a team by the Coaching Director and moved after 2 games if incorrectly graded.
2. DIVISIONS 2.1 Players will be placed into Divisions dependent on their skill level. 2.2 Teams will be selected by the Junior Coaching Director, based on input from coaches. 2.4 The determination of Divisions by the Coaching Director in both the Summer and Winter seasons is final, and teams will commence playing in their allocated divisions from Week 1. Any variation to the divisions determined will be at the discretion of the Coaching Director only. 2.5 Once teams are finalised based on registrations and Divisions have been determined, players will not be permitted to transfer to another team, unless there are extenuating circumstances. 2.6 The primary aim in placing individuals in teams and in “Divisions” shall be to produce a competition in which all teams remain competitive and the competition to commence in Week one (1) without delay.
VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION If you are willing to volunteer to help on the front counter or in the canteen on a Friday junior night, can you please submit your registration on the following link: www.bundybasketball.com.au/register-to-volunteer Your help is needed to make this program flow. Please remember as the older players (and their parents) move on, the newer and younger age groups need to step up to enable these areas to function. Without your assistance, these areas become unmanageable; meaning a loss of revenue for the overall association and a breakdown in the running of the association. Please lend your assistance…..every little bit helps and can't fall on the same shoulders all the time.
BRIAN KERLE VISIT Brian Kerle and his coaching team are a Brisbane based, highly accredited coaching clinic. We have been lucky enough to have Brian and his team coming to visit us on FRIDAY 31st May and SATURDAY 01st June. He will be visiting a school on Friday and then involving himself in the Aussie Hoops and the Junior program at the Friday night games. On Saturday he will be at the stadium holding clinics for both players and coaches. The itinerary is as follows:
Saturday 01st June 2019 0900 – 1000 Beginners and Aussie Hoops Players 1000 - 1100 U12 Mixed Players 1100 – 1200 U14 Mixed Players 1200 – 1:00 U16/18 Girls 1:00 – 2:00 U16/18 Boys
All clinics are free. Please come along and support and learn.
ATTENTION To the person who borrowed the Large size Hoodie from the merchandise rack at the front counter, sometime between 9:00pm Friday 10/5 to 0830 Wednesday 15/5, could you please return same? This is needed to be able to sell to make the much needed funds to run this association. Your responsible attitude, honesty and respect for this association and the people involved within it are very much appreciated.
Coffee Machine. Rarely used. RRP was $2,195. Sell for $500. Please see Paula.
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